| katalog IT firem

AssemTech, s.r.o.

Uhřice 10, Sedlec-Prčice

AssemTech, Ltd Established in Czech in 1990 Is a leading representative organization for the electronic industry in Czech and Slovak republic providing sales, sales support and technical services to world leading manufacturers of systems, equipments and SMT production equipments for the electronic industry.   AssemTech, Ltd manufacturer’s partners include Philips Assembleon with Pick & Place and complete SMT line solutions, Saki with AOI – Automatic Optical Inspection systems, SMT Wertheim with Reflow ovens, Nutek with PCB handling equipments, Saki with SPI - Solder Paste Inspection solutions and many other leading manufacturers for the Electronic industry.   AssemTech, Ltd provide consulting services, maintenance and technical services and long term support for all our partners and manufactures we represent in our market.

Adresa Uhřice 10, Sedlec-Prčice

Zajímavé produkty jiných firem

LED zářivka T10 – 120

  • Lokalita: Brno-Komín, Komín

Registrace domén

  • Lokalita: Jesenice

Vizuální styl firmy

  • Lokalita: Slatinice


  • Lokalita: Ústí nad Labem-město, Klíše

Plexisklo nasvícené do hrany LED diodami

  • Lokalita: Brno-Komín, Komín


  • Lokalita: Trutnov-Poříčí

Tvorba www stránek

  • Lokalita: Ostrava

Sazba, zlom a skenování

  • Lokalita: Praha 2, Vyšehrad

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